Don’t feel like you have time to manage everything? IFTTT is a great problem solver in this day and age of challenging time management. With so many small tasks to attend to in addition to our main work tasks, it’s becoming ever more difficult to … [Read more...]
What Is Crowdsourcing?
You’ve probably heard the term crowdsourcing before but do you know what it is? Find out what crowdsourcing is and how it works. What Is Crowdsourcing? The word crowdsourcing is actually a combination of the words “crowd” and “outsourcing”. … [Read more...]
4 Tips to Freshen Your Facebook Profile
With social media, keeping things interesting and up-to-date is essential to develop and maintain a following. Don’t think you have time? Here are four quick and easy tips to keep your Facebook profile fresh and relevant. #1. Replace Your … [Read more...]
5 Pinterest Ideas for Nonprofits
Pinterest can be a powerful networking, branding and marketing tool for nonprofit organizations. Here are five ways you can make Pinterest work effectively and efficiently for your nonprofit. #1. Use Great Images Pinterest is based on vivid imagery … [Read more...]
Are E-Newsletters Relevant for Non-Profits?
I recently sat in on newsletter tips seminar at a non-profit fundraising convention. Imagine my shock when the instructor told the entire audience that e-newsletters are not relevant fundraising tools for non-profits. As in - don't waste your … [Read more...]