It’s hard to believe that even more great changes are coming to Instagram but it’s true. Instagram Insights is expected to be released in the next few months and it will make marketing on the social and sharing platform even easier and much more comprehensive. What’s new? Expect demographics and post analytics on Instagram that are not too dissimilar from the ones we are already familiar with from Facebook Business Manager.
Instagram Insights: Demographics
Demographics will include the age, gender and locations of followers and the locations will be available to view by city and by country. In addition, it will include Instagram-specific data including charts that highlight the number of new followers gained over time, broken down by the hour and by the day over the course of a week in order to show the times of most and least activity. However, it is as yet unseen how useful the activity by the hour data will continue to be helpful data once Instagram switches to its new algorithm-based timeline. They have confirmed that their plans for the new timeline are still on the horizon, despite significant backlash upon their initial announcement of the move.
Instagram Insights: Post Analytics
Instagram Insights will also offer post analytics which should prove to be very interesting. Your business’ top posts over the past week will be arranged in order of the number of impressions and you’ll also have access to data on reach and website clicks on whatever link you have featured in your bio. What is most unique and exciting about this data is that it will offered on the screen along with the images in question so you’ll have quick and uncomplicated access to analyze your greatest Instagram successes and your most recent Instagram posts.
How to Prepare for the New Instagram
Continue to focus on offering up your best and most relevant content on Instagram. We don’t have an exact date for when the algorithm will change, but as any other social media algorithm is concerned, presenting content that drives engagement creates the path for success. When Instagram Insights become available, you’ll want to pay close attention to which days and times you receive the most new followers so you can analyze your posts that do the best to bring these results. Test the post elements that seem to have attributed the most to their success so you can continue to succeed and even improve upon these winning social posts.
How do you feel about Instagram’s latest changes? What other tool(s) do you think would be a helpful addition to Instagram Insights?