Today, Instagram has launched its latest standalone application, Boomerang. Boomerang by Instagram With just the press of a button, Boomerang by Instagram will transform a moving image into a mini video comprised of 10 images. It will then play … [Read more...]
Facebook Delves Deeper into Video
Facebook is cementing its interest in becoming a mighty video powerhouse with the latest news of features currently being tested. “A year or two from now, we think Facebook will be mostly video,” said Ted Zagat, Ad Product Lead at Facebook just weeks … [Read more...]
Instagram Boasts 100 Million New Users in 9 Months’ Time
If the world needed more indication that Instagram has worked its way up to being one of the strongest contenders in social media, the latest data from the social media platform surely qualifies. The Facebook-owned company has announced they’ve … [Read more...]
Facebook and Instagram’s Signal Pushes Content to the Media
Marketers rejoice, it’s just become a lot easier for your high quality social media content to get picked up my local and national press! Both Facebook and Instagram present their latest tool for journalists, Signal. Signal Facebook and … [Read more...]
Facebook Advertising Offers New Methods for Measuring Success
Facebook advertising has already proven itself to be a very useful and effective means of marketing online but now it has become even simpler to allocate the appropriate funds into Facebook advertising due to greater insights into campaign … [Read more...]