Instagram has unveiled so many new features in the past few weeks that you may have missed a few. Here’s everything you need to know about its latest offerings plus details on how incorporate them into your marketing strategy. Comment … [Read more...]
Instagram Launches Live Video
What do you get when you combine Periscope and Snapchat? Live video on Instagram Stories! Instagram has launched its new live video feature on the ever-popular Instagram Stories where users of the social app share blink-and-you-miss-it, temporary … [Read more...]
Instagram Stories
Instagram has made a bold and unexpected move this week with the launch of Instagram Stories, a new feature that is not too unlike popular yet much smaller competitor Snapchat. Get to know the new feature as a new opportunity to market your … [Read more...]
Instagram Insights
It’s hard to believe that even more great changes are coming to Instagram but it’s true. Instagram Insights is expected to be released in the next few months and it will make marketing on the social and sharing platform even easier and much more … [Read more...]
Instagram Introduces Dynamic Ads
Instagram surprised us all this week with a fresh, modern redesign. The new Instagram (both the mobile app and desktop website) is cleaner, sleeker and user-friendly. The only “miss” is its new logo which seems cold and far removed from its roots as … [Read more...]